

Using transient for project menu

emacs elisp

Project management is a basic necessity of developing software (and things that are not software). As I use Emacs throughout the development cycle I also need to control projects from there. I’m sharing here a transient I wrote to help me learn to write transients and to use these better.


Emacs new features: native code and PGTK


I try to keep track of improvements in the projects I depend on the most, and sometimes I even track their development with the hopes of being able to contribute something back. One of such projects (though contributing back directly is pretty unlikely so far) is Emacs, and I build it locally to get the big improvements early on.


Emacs helper for Pull Request descriptions

emacs git elisp

Using Emacs, you eventually need to learn Emacs Lisp (elisp) as everything is written in that language. Configuration is also in elisp, but usually requirements are minor enough not to need much learning. I’ve tried to learn it several times with low success, but recently I got to write a helper for myself that I think is worth sharing. This is just beginner stuff, and hopefully will help me remember how the bloody thing works :)


Four years in Emacs


Last June it made the fourth year I’ve been using Emacs, so I felt it worth going a bit down memory lane. This post is basically my account of how I found and started to use Emacs, exposing the good and bad of it all. I still use Emacs everyday and I’m likely to continue further with all the warts I know it has.

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